Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Birthday and Bathrooms

So, Bobby just celebrated his 26th birthday here, Korea style. Hopefully he'll write a post of his own about it, but I'll summarize the events as well.

On Friday, we had about 10 people over for drinks and some flip cup.

For his birthday, I bought a Betty Crocker box of chocolate cake in Itaewon, for a whopping $6.50. It was delicious, although I've eaten most of it myself.

The Cake:

Bob got several presents from his students, and one from his co-teacher. His favourite definitely came from me though. I got him a shirt from UNI QLO, new ear phones, as recommended by Jerry, the UNO card game, and the last, but certainly not least, the coolest fanny pack ever. Bob will be as prepared as possible for out upcoming travels. He loved it, and now wears it everywhere.

The Presents:

Clearly it's his favourite present:

The past 2 weeks we've been teaching our Winter Camps at school. My school is absolutely freezing! We have one stand up heater per classroom, and it takes forever to heat up the room to a normal temperature. We teach in our coats, and students wear their coats all class, including their hoods. The remainder of the school is not heated, so you never want to leave the classroom.

These freezing cold temperatures have cause the water in the school to freeze. This was not good. There is a minimum of 90 students at school for these past two weeks, all of whom use the washroom regularly. The water is frozen, so the squat toilets don't flush, and students don't wash their hands. Instead of canceling the camp and closing the school, or even moving our classes to another, warmer building, they simply locked the bathroom doors - only after a week of students using them with no water.

Needless to say, I've been holding it at school, as much as possible. I've also gotten sick, probably from hanging out with kids that don't wash their hands.

Ms. Collins with Erin, one of her Winter Camp students: