Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Medical Check

So we've cracked, and decided to create a blog. Rather I have, but I'll force Bob to post often.

Bob and I had our medical check at a hospital in Seoul this morning, and then returned to school for the afternoon. Can't say I've ever given a urine test in a Dixie cup before, but there is a first time for everything, right? Such as squat toilets....

The hospital was very new, clean and bright. We had our chests x-rayed, our blood pressure taken, our hearing checked, our eyes check (colour blindness too), our weight and height recorded, a urine sample taken, and our blood taken, all within 1 open room, with many other patients watching. I guess South Koreans aren't used to privacy.

We were then taken downstairs to have our teeth checked. They found my first cavity ever. I'm not very happy about it, but the doctor told me that it would cost about 10,000 won, so it will be much cheaper to have fixed here than in Canada. I'm nervous though - hopefully they'll understand when I show up at the dentist!

We then met with a doctor, who spoke very good English. He was very interested in our lives in Canada. He also asked us if we were crazy, and if we were paedophiles. Hopefully we passed that test.

We did all this at the hospital, in under an hour, and without an appointment. I think the Korean medical system is fantastic.

We then went for "secret coffee time" with my co-teacher, Ja-young Lee, and her husband, who is a lawyer. It was special coffee time, because we were supposed to go back to work right after the examination. She's really cute, and her husband is really nice. He is always driving us around in their brand new car, and he doesn't understand any English. They are both very young.

Now I'm at school, where I've been since 11:30 am. We had rice, curry, pizza, and concord grapes (that are everywhere here) for lunch. It was really good. I was very nervous about eating lunch every day at school, considering they served clear noodles with octopus legs in it for the first lunch I was here. I didn't eat much, and they noticed, and we haven't had seafood since, which is fantastic, although I feel a little guilty.

I get to ride the bus home at 4:40, just before rush hour starts for the afternoon. I'm going to do some serious lesson planning tonight, to make up for all the goofing off I've done all afternoon.

Please post a response!

- Maureen


Anonymous said...

Hey Moe and Bob!! what a great idea to set this up! It sounds like you're having a great time already...I'm glad that you both had good medical checkups...I guess we'll wait for the results of the "crazy" and "paedophiles" to come in..haha I'm glad they served some normalish food...that lunch actually sounded quite yummy (with the pizza and grapes!) The first day here was good...I think the worst thing that happened was a kid's cell phone went off in class...I told him to tell his mom to call back later..HA ..I thought that was a good one..ba ha
Do most of your stundents understand English a lot?? You should put up pictures of your apartment soon!! Anyway I should get ready for school here...I'll keep checking your blog (ohh fancy) so that I will know what is going on!! So happy that you guys are enjoying your time there! write soon! love Kristen xox

Carrie said...

Hi Maureen & Bob

Great post! I really hope you keep this up - it's fascinating to me. I would love to pick up and move to "ANYWHERE" for a year. Enjoy all your moments, laugh lots and go easy on the food..lol Can't wait to see the new digs.

Love Carrie.

lindsey said...

Moe and Bob...
Wow -- I've never had friends who were "bloggers" before! I feel very cool and ultra-modern.
I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying yourselves and that you are safe and sound. I suppose it is easier for me to hear that you are having a good time, knowing that you are going to be missing my wedding. Yes, I am still not over that fact. Any chance that there will be some crazy Korean holiday and you can both come home in the summer?
I look forward to seeing your pictures. Moe, best of luck with the food. You are going to be so cultured when you return home!
School is going well for me. I have one "crazy" class, but hopefully I can turn them around. What is Bob teaching? Is he at the same school as you, Moe?
Continue to stay safe and continue to enjoy your adventures!
Wishing you both the best...xo

cai said...

hey moe! you guys need to get some pics/vids up like lisa! mom and i are currently packing up our little girls' dressy shoes. they're cute. keep safe! say hi to bobo.